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Bowery Trio Recital Program Announcement

Cover Image for Bowery Trio Recital Program Announcement
Logan Vrankovic
Logan Vrankovic

Thank you to all the composers from around the world who shared their music with us! As always, we appreciate very much the opportunity to listen to brand new classical music written by composers from around the world. This event with The Bowery Trio is special to us, as this project involves musicians displaced by the pandemic. It has been an inspiration to watch them navigate the challenges of the pandemic, finding a way to practice together and stay strong even when their primary abode may, at times, be in states thousands of miles apart. We very much hope you join us in enjoying their performance in April. 

Here is the final program being prepared by the Bowery Trio: 

Craig Peaslee - Tres Bailes Latinos
Rachel DeVore Fogarty - The Light that is Felt
Kirsten Volness - Without Them, What Remains?
Minato Sakamoto - Pop-up Brahms in Pop
Anthony Esland - Aurora Dances
Daniel Crozier - November Tide
Brian T. Field - And all that Jazz
Jimmy Kachulis - Choro Steps
Sarah Evans - Run River Run
Rain Worthington - Resolve