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'The Other End...' New Piano Music Program Announcement

Cover Image for 'The Other End...' New Piano Music Program Announcement
Logan Vrankovic
Logan Vrankovic

Hello again, sorry for the long delay!

This event was more of a challenge than usual to coordinate, but this is finally happening! A truly spectacular program has been chosen, and the quality of your compositions overwhelmingly surpassed our expectations. In general, combing through dozens of pieces of new music always leads to exciting finds, but this group of submissions was remarkable. Yifei Xu is an extremely accomplished pianist who specializes in contemporary music, so it feels a little bit like the planets aligning.

Yifei was also impressed. In her words: "The idea of the entire program started from the piece Rodney Waschka II - Suite for Piano, after reading the program note, knowing that it regards to a patient-level meta-analysis septic shock treatment; whereas discovering the Three Lyric Pieces by Lawrence Kramer which is derived from Alban Berg's Lyric Suite, who died also from SEPSIS! What a coincidence! His fatal number 23, becomes his patient number, and playing only the 2nd and 3rd movement with the 2nd and 3rd order on the program. Ending with the piece inspired by Franz Schubert, but, a frozen one."

Definitely a wonderful coincidence, I hope the above image of Alban Berg and a doctor happily playing some new piano music makes more sense! From the submissions, a very unique multimedia program has emerged, given that so many of the selections involve extended techniques and other special performance practices. Please tune in to Columbia's livestream of the event. The concert will take place in late February, precise date pending.

Without further ado, the final selections for Yifei Xu's recital "The Other End..." at Columbia:

  1. Brian Field - Three Passions for our tortured planet - Movement 2
  2. Jianing Yang - And dreaming is the end of reality days - Movements 1 & 2
  3. Rodney Waschka II - Suite for Piano (Complete)
  4. Paul Salerni - Pop Quiz #1 (Complete)
  5. Clifton Callender - Meditations on a Warming Planet - Movement 1
  6. Richard Derby - Fantasy
  7. Joao Pedro Oliveira - ff(Frozen...) - Movement 3 "Frozen Franz"
  8. Andrew List - "From The Temple of Dendera" - Movements Hathor, Anubis, and Sphinx
  9. Lawrence Kramer - Three Lyric Pieces - Movements 2 & 3
